Bios setup


 Bios setup

It is a plate form which is provide to make

trigger of our system. all the hardware device attatch to our system we can enable& disable the work all these divice's & up ,&down the performance of these divice's

when we go to in BIOS setup mostly we founde all these option, which is use to increase or decrease performance all attached hardware these option

show in below manner.

standard cmos setup- Enable the user to set basic information such as data time , IDE device disk drive.

Advance setup- Sets advanced Information

such as boot device  ' smart for harddisk boot up numlock, floppy drive swap about the system.

power management system- Sets the parameters such as stand by time out , ring on power on for the system power management operation.

PcI plug & play setup- Sets the parameters for the device installed on the pic bus & device which use the system plug & play capability.

load optical setting- loads a set of fail - safe defaults value in setup utility.

load best performance setting- loads a set of best performance default value in setup utility.

Feature setup- Sets the parameter for peripheral device connected to the system.

c.p.u.  pnp setup- Allows the user to configure main board for the c.p.u. .

Hardware monitors- Sets the parameter like vcore, fan#1 speed, fan#2 speed, for the hardware, monitoring function of the main board.

change password- allow to user change the password used to access  the setup utility.

Exit- save the change mode in the setup, Utilityconfiguration & exit programe press E.s.c.. .

Setting & standard cmos -cmos setup page Enable you to set the basic setting of the system such as the date & time.

Date & time- set the system date.

Time- Set the system time.

Setting the advanced setup- It's use to increase or decrease the time  taken to boot The system file while booting the system.To set warning about virus you should enable the virus  warning  option.

Share memory size- Allocate a portion of the main memory for use v.g.a display.

First boot device- determine the device from where bios should seek for the os first.

2nd boot device- determine the device from Where bios should seek for the o.s. second.

3rd boot device- determine the  device from Where bios should seek for the o.s. third.

SMART for hard disk- Enable this option If    I.d.e.  hard disk support the smart self Monitoring analysis & reporting technology Feature.

Power management- select the amp & acpi. Power management system

Advanced power management- Enable the computer bios to controll your system power management without the knowledge Of the operating  system .

Applying best performance setting- 

It performance setting enables you to set  the bios option to make the system performance at the best level such as the increassing the processing speed. this setting

Boosts the hardware& make the system work at the maximum possible level.

It will be continue


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