Bios setup It is a plate form which is provide to make trigger of our system. all the hardware device attatch to our system we can enable& disable the work all these divice's & up ,&down the performance of these divice's when we go to in BIOS setup mostly we founde all these option, which is use to increase or decrease performance all attached hardware these option show in below manner. standard cmos setup- Enable the user to set basic information such as data time , IDE device disk drive. Advance setup- Sets advanced Information such as boot device ' smart for harddisk boot up numlock, floppy drive swap about the system. power management system- Sets the parameters such as stand by time out , ring on power on for the system power management operation. PcI plug & play setup- Sets the parameters for the device installed on the pic bus & device which use the system plug & pl...
The first electronic printer was the EP-101, invented by the Japanese company Epson and released in 1968. so it was debuted in the market, The first commercial printers typically used mechanisms from electric typewriters and teletype machines. INTRODUCTION- The printer is an device that prints text document & image on paper. it is peripheral output device. IMPACT PRINTER- Printers are used for printing document as well as graphics. the working of impact printer is very similer to that type of printer. lmpact printer are those printer, where physical contact is established between print head , cartridge& media paper . the impact result in printing on paper under the ink ribbon. the dot matrix printer is an example of impact printer. DOT MATRIX PRINTER- Dot matrix printer uses a matrix of metal pins on the electromagnet printhead to creat dots & ink soaked ribbon is placed between the paper & the print head . due to this dot matrix printer are...
Topology - It is different configuration to connect all devices of network. Network - It is group of devices to connect by communication path in which exchange the information and share resources. STRUCTURE OF NETWORK - There are two types of network point-to-point network multipoint networks. Point to point network - Point to point network in this type network there are two devices connected to each other data flow in this type network, local network to remote network, ex- satellite ,television ,microwave. Multi point - In this type network multi-device share of network it is also called multi drop connection. Structure of Topology - 1.physical topology 2. logical topology. Pysical topologies - In this Type Topology, it reffer To Connect All Device means the physical shape of network. Logical Topologies - The Network Create Different Type But Actually Work's Logically.( it's shape is different). Type of Topologies - Single node, Star bus, Ring, Mesh,...
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