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System memory |
There are some type of memory in system.
1.physical. 2.logical. 3.virtual 4.flash. 5.cache.
Logical- It use large data store in a main memory.It enable to o.s. that arrange the main memory in logical manner.logical manner means the location of main memory
when mapping time logical address can be mapped in different location of main memory.
Main memory is divided in three section 1. conventional 2. Upper 3. extended 4. virtual
conventional- It use from Dos & it use 640 k.b. space of dos. the other programe of IT'S
lotus , word star .It is also base memory we can say that.
Upper- It use 640 k.b. to 1 m.b. space so there is more empty space in memory so this memory use by .306 processor.
Extended- It use upper amount rather than 1
m.b. . it does not use from dos & dos user does not know that how to use of It. It only use in o.s.
Virtual memory- It is a part of hard disk.It has a set of address of memory & store data
& instruction it convert virtual address to real memory address. IT's main work to increase the memory address.(os) divided the virtual memory into page.& each page
contain the number of memory address.
so when processor have to need execute to other instruction so the o.s. copies all pages
into real memory . so converting these process like these page converting process is
called paging & swapping & virtual address
is convert into real address is called
वर्चुअल मेमोरी- यह हार्ड डिस्क का एक हिस्सा है। इसमें मेमोरी और स्टोर डेटा के पते का एक सेट होता है
और निर्देश यह आभासी पते को वास्तविक स्मृति पते में परिवर्तित करता है। मेमोरी एड्रेस को बढ़ाने के लिए आईटी का मुख्य कार्य। (ओएस) ने वर्चुअल मेमोरी को पेज में विभाजित किया है। प्रत्येक पेज
मेमोरी एड्रेस की संख्या शामिल करें।
इसलिए जब प्रोसेसर को अन्य निर्देशों को निष्पादित करने की आवश्यकता होती है तो o.s. सभी पेज कॉपी करता है
वास्तविक स्मृति में। इसलिए इन प्रक्रियाओं को इन पेजों की तरह परिवर्तित करना कनवर्टिंग प्रक्रिया है पेजिंग और स्वैपिंग और वर्चुअल एड्रेस कहा जाता है
वास्तविक पते में परिवर्तित किया जाता है, मानचित्रण कहलाता है।
Flash memory- It is nonvolatile memory .
& it read & write data very faster. It write data in blocks not in byte. It is electrically
reprogrammable so the block size is 256 to 1 m.b. It removes the hard disk in portable it installed on card . that is installed on pcmia card. (bios chip) is flash memory.
cache memory- It is placed between the ram
& (c.p.u. ).it is smaller c.p.u. first seek cache
if there is need of execution if required data
getting than ok other wise c.p.u. seeking needful data in to ram.
cache level - There is two level of the cache
memory. (l1, l2).
(l1 cache memory)- It is situated in c.p.u. area .it is called internal cache & primary cache & it's size is 8 kb. to 64 kb.
( l2 cache memory) - It is situated in external area of cache so it is called external cache & secondary memory it's size 64kb to 2 mb.
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