IP address
IP ADDRESS- A dvice on the network need an IP address to communicate with other device. IP address is a unique 32 bit logical address . An IP address is used to communicate with various networking device over network layer. IP address is same as telephone number which is unique .hence an IP ADDRESS is used to identify on a network . It divided in two categeory.
Dynamic IP address- IT provide the IP no. not permanently. It provide ( IP NO )for some time .Thease host on the network are not situated for longer duration so in that case dynamic IP address use(dhcp) dynamic host configuration protocol commonly used in this address.& It provide IP address for lease basis time.
Static IP address- IT provide permanently
ip address .machine are situated on the network for longer duration so in that case
it provide IP address ex- server machine.
class grouping- IP address is 32 bit logical unique address . so It divided various class
a, b,c . class d is use for multicasting .
every IP address consist two address network IP address & host ip address.
& E use for experiment.
class a- It consist 8 bit network ID & 24 host
Id . the no. of host on the network on this
class , there is 128 network block. so class A
network 0 to ( here first byte
is represent the network ID & second is network block.class A provide the IP Address for big organization.
class b- In this class the network ID 16 & host ID also 16.this class provide the IP address for mid organization.
class c - In this class network id 24 & host id 8 . network start this provide IP for small organization.
Unicast- It means one to one communication, a host on network send data paket to group
of hosts in that case unicast process use.
multicast- It means one to many communication it divided global level & local level.
broad cast- one to all communication .
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