Local area network


Ethernet : Ethernet is local area network 

lan designed & developed by dec. Intel & Xreox corporation formally also known as dix Ethernet.

Ethernet is communication protocol embeded software & hardware device for local area network.ethernet use bus & star topology to connect different nodes in network.ethernet is a frame based.frame are based on medium access control.it is used baseband signalling & implies carrier sense multiple access collision detection c.s.m.a.) . there are different type of eathernet (10 base2) (10 base 5 )(10 base t) & 100 base -t

IEEE STANDARD-It is an association that promotes engineering electronic improvement . IEEE is a non profit organation. 802 was standard in feb1980 to define network.IEEE 802 define frames, speed, distance & type of cabeling to use for



IEEE 802.1- lan, man , bridging & management.

IEEE 802.3- ethernet.

IEEE 802.7- broad band & lan.

IEEE 802.15- wireless personal area network.

IEEE 802.16- Wireless metropolitan area network.

802.3- Define a standard for physical layer& data link layer of the ethernet architecture that uses wired connection .Ethernet is an architecture that mainly uses bus topology 

some time star topology used.  it use fram transmit data. data is broken in to small packet  & sent to the network . Using the frame 802.3 also define various cabling for different type of topology.

802.4- Define a standard for token bus archit

-ecture. Token bus similar to token ring. but it use coaxial cable . Token is passed along the different nodes of the ring . each computer connected to the ring is called as

 node. If computer want to send a message it will place it's message in the token & thus the communication takes place.

802.5- It use the (base - T ) standard. 802.5 use twisted pair cabling to connected device instead of coaxial cable. It pass data from one computer to another like in a token bus network.

ETHER NET- It define by ( IEEE) as the 802.3 standard .it has most widely adapted LAN technology . It support data transfer rates of 

(10 m.b.p.s. , 100 m.b.p.s., 1 g.b.p.s). .

Type of Ethernet- There are different type of

cabling method used for ethernet. The type of cable for a network is dependent on network topology , protocol & size.

ethernet Include (10 base5) (10 base2) (10base t) ( 10 base f) 

10 base 5- 10 base 5 ( thick coaxial cable) is also refferd to as thicknet . here 5 denote maximum length begin 500 meter it is also known as( rg-8) coaxial cable.it have extra

protactive cover its use in linear bus topology .

10 base 2- IT is also known as thin net.(10 base T-) via twiested pair cable . in (10 base T ) 10 mean speed of cable 10 m.b.p.s.or T means center connected device is used in that network.58 b.n.c. connector is used in this cable.

10 base F- IT use fiber optic cable have good noise resiestance  . it is strong than other cable. TODAY this post is complete.sorry for to take much time complete this post.

it will be continue keep watching thanku.


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