
operating system

  system- o.s. is the first software to be loded when computer bootup. application programe are loded after operating system (o.s.).. it is two type (N.O.S.) (Desktop o.s.).

ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम- ओ.एस.  कंप्यूटर बूट होने पर लोड होने वाला पहला सॉफ्टवेयर है।  ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम (ओ.एस.) के बाद एप्लिकेशन प्रोग्राम लोड किए जाते हैं। यह दो प्रकार (एन.ओ.एस.) (डेस्कटॉप ओएस) है।

Network o.s.- some example of network o.s. .
1. window 2003 server

Client o.s.- ex. of client o.s.
1. Ms. dos 
2.Window 2003 professional
3. window 95/98.
4. window x.p.professional.
5 .window 8/ 10

GUI- It is graphical user interface . all window work's in this environment . user work's in this environment  very friendly  they can use mouse,watch video,e.t.c. .

C.u.i- It is character user inter face . It is black environment. all DOS version based
on this .any pointing device can not work
on this environment.It work's by command.

First version of window that was 3.0 . window 3.1x was 16 bit operating system .
window 95 replaced both of these version.

Window Feature- 
1. G.u.i.
2. Icons, menu
3. Mouse
4. Customizable user interface.

Dos version- 1. Ms dos(1.0) distribute on floppy with 8Kb. (ram) .  

2.Ms dos (1.1)

3. Ms dos (2.0) - support hard disk.

4. ms dos ( 6.2)- provide scan disk.
Ms dos provide text base interface called command prompt.It's use for disk management.


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