Network connection



connect to different type nodes to communicate with each other . network connect a hardware device is called ( nic)is used base band . data transform of signals tranmitted data used baseband & broadband technology used. data communication different device such as cable & device used proper data communication.Every nodes is

identify by ( mac)  address is embeded in nic card.this address is fixed.if there is problem in (nic) card so that network will not work properly .  so this is necessary that nic must

install properly. if the cabling is not proper

so the whole network will effected.

signals techenique - the information of the data is transmitted eather baseband or broadband thenique.

Freequency- over a cable or wireless medium . baseband techenique transmitteddata in the form of digital . eathernet also used baseband technology  because it is simple it is used (UNZ) encoding. In (unz) a binary (1) is represent positive voltage (0) is represented (0) voltage.

broadband techenique - broad band techenique is used more than single free used analog signal .advantage of this technology  that it is used in long distance comparision than base band signal.

or user can listen combine data audio or video.

NIC- nic is used to transmit data needs sender & reciever medium nic is a hardware device that is used to connect a node on to network.the speed of network depend on nic.there is 10, 100, 1000. m.b/bits nic available. nic provide the mac is assigned by ( IEEE). 

Type of Nic- There are different type of nic.Ethernet card is used in Ethernet technology , token ring card is used in token technology. 

10 base 2 NIC- Used in 10 base 2 network. d.b. dix female 15 pin connector used.

10 base 5- Used in 10 base 5 network. B.N.C.  connector. is used 

10 base T- Used in 10 base T 100 base T , N.I.C. gigabit Ethernet card available. R.J .45 CONNECTOR used .

L.E.D.  OF N.I.C.- Various type of( led) used in nic card that represent connection between node & hub.

LINK LED- IT indicate that any connection presented between system & hub.All most every nic have link led. Link led indicate that connection is proper between both device.

ACT LED- IT indicate the yellow light , when the light is on so there is heavy traffic  on network . if there is (led) off so there is no heavy traffic on network .

collision led- IT indicate the collision take place on the network.

keep watching continue  ,Thanku.I will ready for new post.


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