There are different type of cable

1. coaxial cable.
2. Twisted pair cable. (T.P.)
3.shield twiestedpair cable.(S.T.P.)
4.UN shield twiested pair cable.(U.T.P.)

Coaxial cable- It consist solid copper that is surrounded by insulator it made by ( p.v.c.)
polly vinyle cloride. it have a different part.

Outer insulator- It is made by teflon.

Copper shield .- Some cable made by braid shield & some cable are foil shield & some is made by both style. It protect to the copper wire by R.F.I. & E.M.I. .

Insulation- It is upper to the copper wire. it made by teflon.

Copper wire- It is copper wire at a central of the cable. IEEE stands for coaxial cable.

R.G.58- It is approx (.64) centemeter in diameter . it,s use in environment in which all the device add or is also known as (10 base 2).Here 2 denotes the full length of the cable ( 200 meter).
it is also known as back bone  cable  (BNC- T) CONNECTOR is used to connect of the back bone cable.

R .G.-8- It is approx (.1) meter in diameter. 

10 base5- Here 5 denotes the 500 meter . N series connector use in 10 base 5 segement . 100 nodes attatch each 10 base 5 segement. 

R. G.-6 - it,s use in cable t.v. close circuit t.v.

R. G.-59- IT'S use in security camera home theater t.v. B.N.C.  connector use in this cable.

Twisted pair cable- pair of cable twisted arround to each other form . whenever pass through the wire a electromagnetic field generate arround the wire. it  is call loop. other wire come in loop so the signal pass on it them . so the signal of both wire get jumped to each other. it is called cross talk. avoid this problem wire is wounded.

U.T.P.- it is pair of copper wire that is wounded to each other. it is cheapest cable 
use for long networking only it define the different category.

10 base T- define the IEEE industry ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS. Here 10 is data transmission speed 10 m.b.p.s. . 
base is original signal before the modulation  & T is twisted pair cable.

CAT-1 - it is a tradional cable that carry voice data . it is used in telephoney .not in networking.

CAT-2 it carry 4 m.b.p.s. data. so it have a 4 pair cable.

CAT-3 - it carry data 10 m.b.p.s & freequency
16 M.H.Z.

Cat-4 - carry data 16 m.b.p.s. & freequency 20

cat-5 - 100 m.b.p.s. & freequency 100 m.h.z.
it's used in  100 base x architector & (a.t.m) 

cat-5-E- 1000 m.b.p.s. & freequency 100 m.h.z. .
Cat- 6 - it up grade to cat-5e trans mission speed 1000 m.b.p.s.  . & freequency 250 m.h.z. 

c.a.t. -7- it is totally shield pair cable freequency 600 m.h.z.

fiber optic cable.- in fiber optic cable the electrical signal converted in to light signal.
there are two type of fiber optic cable.
1. single mode
2. multi mode.

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